Tuesday, June 25, 2019

How to Fold a Transforming Ninja Star by Raghav Goel

Warning: Make sure your folds are neat and creased well.

Also remember to not throw this around as this may result in someones eye getting poked out.

Materials: 8 Post It NotesĀ®

1) Fold Paper Diagonally both ways

2) Unfold

3) Fold in half hot dog (make sure the sticky is face up)

4) Unfold

5) Fold both of the sticky corners in the middle (like how in a paper airplane)
6) Fold in half hot dog 

7) On the part that has an open flap push the flap in and crease

8) Crease edge

9) Repeat 7 more times

10) Interlock

11) Put the nose of the 2nd into the 1st and keep going till x8

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